EMMA Finland: Audioimport

27. August 2016 um 10:00 – 18:00
Venetsiadrifting Kokkola
67100 Kokkola

The seventh round of the EMMA season in Finland takes place in Kokkola at Venetsiadrifting. The EMMA competition is a part of a large drifting competition and is organized by our main sponsor Audioimport.

All our international friends are welcome to join in the competition. EMMA Finland offers all forms of EMMA competition in all events, SQ, MM, ESPL, ESQL and Racing.

You can check who’s joining in from the Finnish event site.

If you wish to join in please preregister here. Select the correct event and class from the drop-down menus and then fill in your name (Nimi), email (Sähköpostiosoite), phone number (Puhelinnumero), car make and model (Auto), license plate (rekisterinumero) and car colour (Auton väri). Last day to preregister is 13.8. The prices can be found here.

Have no fear, we speak also English! 🙂

For any information don’t hesitate to contact info@emmafinland.com