EMMA Indonesia Present a Car as Grand Prize for Champion EMMA-HIN Final Battle

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After EMMA Asian Final stage Indonesia, EMMA Indonesia well presented EMMA-HIN Final Battle at Ancol EcoPark, Jakarta, November 29,2014. This Event was the last competition for EMMA Indonesia feat Hot Import Night series for this year. Besides SQ and ESQL categories with EMMA Rules, during the competition EMMA Indonesia also made a special class called “Pure Sound Unlimited” with scoresheet EMMA SQ Expert.

The Competitors who could compete in this final battle, was the competitor who always joined and won in every series, so they collected some poin to get ranking for this category since the first series began in several cities such as Surabaya ( May ), Jogjakarta (June), Solo (August), Bandung (August), Bali (September) and the last was Jakarta (November).

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At the end, 10 cars gathered in this fierce battle to get one Grand Prize. Adi Ong from Philippines and William Chang from Malaysia was the two judges for Pure Sound Unlimited.

The most awaited moment has come, and the Champion for Pure Sound Unlimited was Johnson Nagawan – Mazda Biante using Focal Car Audio inside. Congratulations and have fun with the new car Daihatsu Ayla as a Grand Prize for you!