Great Saturday on the Countryside

walkertshofen1Far apart from the big Cities EMMA Germany invited the competitors to come to a small village called Walkertshofen in Bavaria to challenge each other. The local CarMedia Specialist BS Car Hifi was the host for the second leg of the National Championship round and about 60 cars showed up. Most of the contestants were ESPL and EMMA racing addicted so the measurement team had a tough job to do to finish all the work until the late afternoon but finally everything was ready at 17°°. During the day all were supported with fresh grilled Sausages and Steaks as well as with coffee and homemade cake in the afternoon. Also some of the cars did participate in ESQL and liked the format very much so hopefully a bunch of show addicted vehicles will grow up in Germany in this specific fun format. In the end the ceremony was a special part because of the interesting trophies for the winners, Typical German Beer Mugs have been modified for this. All Info and winning list is available at
